lunes, 9 de marzo de 2020


En nuestra biblioteca tenemos una modesta sección de libros en inglés, que esperamos ir mejorando curso a curso. En esa sección, podéis encontrar, entre otros, aquellos libros que el departamento de Inglés os pone como lecturas obligatorias a los diferentes cursos. Por ejemplo, este curso los alumnos de 2º han leído A Christmas Carol de Charles Dickens.

¿Queréis saber lo que les ha parecido? Leed, a continuación, las respuestas (¡en inglés, por supuesto!) que dieron a unas preguntas que les hicieron.


  • Which character in the story did you like the most?
  • Describe one scene of the book and say who is there.
  • Write two descriptions of Mr Scrooge, one at the beginning of the story and one at the end to show how he changed.

Mr Scrooge is a rich and bad man, it's Christmas and he is going to spend Christmas like a normal day, but four ghosts visit him, and he understood the meaning of Christmas. My favourite character is the ghost of Christmas present because it is a funny character. M. N., 2º B

I like Mr Scrooge in the future because he didn't give money to poor people. Mr Scrooge sees the future and he doesn't like his future. When he sees Benezer Scrooge's gravestone, he wants to change it. Finally, he wants to help poor people thanks to the ghost. S. L., 2º B

Mr Scrooge at the beginning is angry with all the world and he never goes to see his family, he doesn't like Christmas, but at the end of the story he likes Christmas and he is generous and friendly with people. Mr Scrooge changed a lot. I. B., 2º B

My favourite character in the story is Scrooge, I like him because he is an angry rich and a bad person, but he changes into a good person and I think that is very complicated to make that big change. J. A., 2º B

The character that I like the most is Tiny Tim Cratchit because he is a kind and sweet boy, bu he is ill and his legs are weak. R. S., 2º B

The three ghosts change Scrooge and make him a new person. My favourite person of the story is Belle because she is in love with Scrooge. M. G., 2º B

¿Sus impresiones os han despertado la curiosidad de leer el libro? Seguro que sí. Entonces, solo una cosa más: ¿queréis sacar el libro? Buscad esta signatura: ING DIC chr.

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